訪問區傑棠先生 - 港鐵站名書法家贈《和》手寫標誌


《和》音樂劇監製Rebecca訪問 - Message from Producer Rebecca


Through Harmony The Musical, Producer Rebecca hopes to enhance the social awareness of issues like racism. What happened in the past still exists today in another form.

《和》音樂總監及作曲家Herbert 亞拔訪問 -Message from Music Director and Composer Herbert亞拔

今次請來《和》Harmony The Musical 音樂總監及作曲家Herbert 亞拔!我們期待的演出日(11月2日)日益臨近,我們邀請您深入了解創作過程。亞拔獨家幕後分享,他將探討音樂製作的細節及樂團專輯的錄音過程。他還會介紹這部原創音樂劇獨特魅力的元素。我們期待與您共享這段旅程!

A message from our Music Director and Composer of 《和》Harmony The Musical! As we eagerly anticipate show day on November 2, we invite you to gain a deeper understanding of the creative process. Join us for an exclusive behind-the-scenes look with Herbert, where he will share insights into the intricacies of music production and the recording sessions for the cast album. He’ll also provide a sneak peek into the captivating elements that make this original musical truly special. We look forward to sharing this journey with you!

《和》Harmony The Musical - Interview with Director Pat Chan

Prepare to be inspired! We’re excited to present an exclusive interview with Pat Chan, the talented Director/Choreographer/Fight Director of《和》Harmony The Musical. In this captivating talk, we’ll delve into the team formation of the production, uncover the challenges faced along the way, and explore what makes this musical resonate so deeply with audiences. Tune in for insights that will deepen your appreciation for our breathtaking performance, and the dedication behind it.

導演角度的啟發!我們很高興能呈現一段獨家訪問,專訪《和》Harmony The Musical才華橫溢的導演,編舞師和打鬥指導Pat Chan。從這段引人入勝的對話中,我們將披露這部作品的演員和團隊組成,揭示一路走來面對的挑戰,以及探索使這部音樂劇能與觀眾產生如此深刻共鳴的原因。敬請收看,深入了解製作過程和見解,及其背後的奉獻精神。

執行監製的話 - Message from Executive Producer Hilda

一年多前我被邀請到《華人移民法》 紀念活動中作表演嘉賓,由於我十幾年前回流返香港工作,我完全不知道排華法和人頭稅是什麼一回事,直至那天才發現和了解加拿大華人在1920年代曾被加國法例約束及歧視。亦是那是才知道,2006年時前總理哈柏(Stephen Harper) 曾向加拿大華人正式道歉。不管你是否華人族裔,可能也會得知華人於十九世紀末為建造加拿大太平洋鐵路付上了不少血汗甚至生命。但這些一切,對於生活於現代的我們來說,普遍人都會認為:「我知道發生了,噢,很慘。是歴史,好彩,不關我事。」
到了一年前,凡事必有因,天降大任於斯人。Rebecca 發起了創作音樂劇的念頭,毅然開始了撰寫故事的藍本,找到了慈善機構夥伴申請了市政府資助撥款。

《和》音樂劇創作隊員訪問:編劇Jacky x 劇本編輯Kathy

和, 而不同······ 喺我哋嘅創作團隊裏面,有來自不同背景嘅藝術人。我哋呢個細細嘅團隊,點樣喺短短幾個月裏面,將一個重大嘅加拿大華人歷史轉化成為一個有意義嘅音樂劇呢?


《和》音樂劇創作隊員訪問: 音樂總監/作曲家/編曲/音效設計Herbert (亞拔)



Raymond嘔心瀝血為了這套劇,填了十首歌。他說他懂的中文字都全用盡!如果你想知這些歌的內容是什麼,切勿錯過Nov 2, 2024 (Saturday)一連兩場的演出。約定你,到時見。




Jacky, Karson, Raymond:《和》三位填詞人專訪


Stanley Yiu 姚嘉豪 - 《異鄉情》 (Love in a Foreign Land) Official Music Video


主唱: 姚嘉豪 (featured in 音樂劇 《和》)

曲: 亞拔

詞: Jacky / Karson / 亞拔

編曲: 亞拔

音樂製作: 亞拔

錄像製作: Karson Ho

A heart-wrenching tale of love, sacrifice, and resilience with “Love In A Foreign Land.” This song explores the complexities of a love story back in the days, as a young man grapples with his feelings for two women torn apart by war, immigration, and societal conflicts.

 異鄉情 – 來自即將上映的原創音樂劇《和》的歌曲

體驗一段關於愛情、犧牲和韌性的心碎故事,來自我們原創的《異鄉情》。這首感人的歌曲深入探討了一段複雜的愛情故事,講述一名年輕男子在戰爭、移民和社會衝突的背景下對兩位女性的感情掙扎。 由 姚嘉豪 Stanley Yiu 主唱,踏上這段情感之旅,探索在不確定的時代中愛情所面臨的挑戰。

《和》Harmony The Musical: Characters Introduction - Ah Fat 阿發 & Ah Fung 阿鳳

《和》Harmony The Musical: Characters Introduction – Ah Fat 阿發 & Ah Fung 阿鳳
Cast: Stanley Yiu, Kathy Wong

《和》Harmony The Musical: Characters Introduction - Ah Giu 阿嬌 & Yu Wah Jr. 小裕華

《和》Harmony The Musical: Characters Introduction – Ah Giu 阿嬌 & Yu Wah Jr. 小裕華
Cast: Gigi Choi, Malachi Chan

《和》Harmony The Musical: Characters Introduction - Ah Lik 阿力 & Gangster

《和》Harmony The Musical: Characters Introduction – Ah Lik 阿力 & Gangster
Cast: Newman Pak, Ryan Li

《和》Harmony The Musical: Characters Introduction - Chloe & Yu Wah 裕華

《和》Harmony The Musical: Characters Introduction – Chloe & Yu Wah 裕華 Cast: Richelle Ho, Raymond Liu

《和》Harmony The Musical: Characters Introduction - Ensemble

《和》Harmony The Musical: Characters Introduction – Ensemble Cast: Marija Tunic, Matthew Lane 

《和》Harmony The Musical: Characters Introduction - Ah Lung 阿龍, Ah Se 阿蛇, Ah Ma 阿馬

《和》Harmony The Musical: Characters Introduction – Ah Lung 阿龍, Ah Se 阿蛇, Ah Ma 阿馬 Cast: Alex Leung, Chan Chun Lok, David Ng

《和》Harmony The Musical: Characters Introduction - Fu Gor 富哥 & Fu So 富嫂

《和》Harmony The Musical: Characters Introduction – Fu Gor 富哥 & Fu So 富嫂 Cast: Andy Cheng, Susanna Chan

Harmony The Musical: Characters Introduction - Ensemble

《和》Harmony The Musical: Characters Introduction – Ensemble Cast: Angel Magsakay, Annora Tung, Abby Kan

Descendants' Stories: Chinese Canadian Voices Through Generations - Interview with Nicole Leung

A key aspect of this project besides creating our musical, is to honour and preserve Chinese Canadian history, and foster a deeper understanding of the sacrifices and contributions made by early Chinese immigrants in Canada. Collecting real life stories is essential not only for uncovering accurate historical details, but also for authentically inspiring the development of our script and songs.

As we dive into the historical facts of the early Chinese immigrants in Canada, we recognize the importance of connecting with their descendants and hearing their family stories. Our first interview features Nicole Leung, an esteemed Canadian Soprano, whose great-grandfather endured the head tax and Chinese Immigration Act. Through her family’s history, Nicole shares how her heritage shaped her identity and career in classical opera.

(Photo credits: Family of Nicole Leung, Library & Archives Canada, ACCT Foundation, Glenbow Library & Archives, U of C library Archives, BC Archives)

Descendants' Stories: Chinese Canadian Voices Through Generations - Interview with Fred Wong

A key aspect of this project besides creating our musical, is to honour and preserve Chinese Canadian history, and fostering a deeper understanding of the sacrifices and contributions made by early Chinese immigrants in Canada. Collecting real life stories is essential not only for uncovering accurate historical details, but also for authentically inspiring the development of our script and songs.

As we dive into the historical facts of the early Chinese immigrants in Canada, we recognize the importance of connecting with their descendants and hearing their family stories. In this interview, we speak with Fred Wong, a former director of Calgary Transit who was born and raised in Alberta. His father immigrated to Canada in 1922 and endured the challenges of the head tax and the Chinese Exclusion Act. Fred reflects on his family’s experiences and emphasizes the importance of educating future generations about this significant part of history.

(Photo credits: Family of Fred Wong, Library & Archives Canada, ACCT Foundation, Glenbow Library & Archives, U of C library Archives, BC Archives)

Descendants’ Stories: Honouring the Past Through Storytelling - Sidney Woo

In our community, passionate storytellers share their families’ histories and the experiences of early Chinese immigrants using different channels. Through their unique voices and creative expressions, they keep these stories alive, bridging the past and present for future generations.

In this interview, we speak with Sidney Woo, one of the founders of the Calgary Kaiping Association. Sidney’s great-grandfather immigrated to Canada in the 1880s, and his family’s long history of settling in Canada and the United States offers a unique perspective on the early Chinese immigrant experience.

(Photo credits: Family of Sidney Woo)

Descendants’ Stories: Honouring the Past Through Storytelling - Kari Woo

In our community, passionate storytellers share their families’ histories and the experiences of early Chinese immigrants using different channels. Through their unique voices and creative expressions, they keep these stories alive, bridging the past and present for future generations.
In this interview, we speak with Kari Woo, project lead for the Chinatown Public Art Plan at Calgary Arts Development, as well as a studio jeweler and interdisciplinary artist. Kari is dedicated to preserving images of older generations of Chinese Canadians through her art pieces. She shares compelling stories from both sides of her family, reflecting on the impact of the Chinese Immigration Act have on their experiences.
Learn more about Kari Woo – IG: @kariwoostudio
(Photo credits: Family of Kari Woo)

Descendants’ Stories: Honouring the Past Through Storytelling - Ronald Lee

In our community, passionate storytellers share their families’ histories and the experiences of early Chinese immigrants using different channels. Through their unique voices and creative expressions, they keep these stories alive, bridging the past and present for future generations.
In this interview, we speak with Ronald Lee, a former high school teacher, speaker, and storyteller. Ronald is the grandson of Pioneer Lee Duck, who established Lee Duck Drycleaning in Lethbridge, Alberta, in the early 1900s. His grandfather was a highly respected businessman, admired as a role model by many, and was dedicated to giving back to communities in both Canada and China.

(Photo credits: Family of Ronald Lee)